Margarita Görz
Family Doctor in Munich
Dear Patients,
For over 20 years, I have been guiding my patients on the path to better health and well-being. As a specialist in general medicine with extensive experience in Germany, I offer comprehensive medical care—from precise diagnostics to modern, minimally invasive treatments.
With a solid education and broad expertise in general medicine, endocrinology, cardiology, neurology, and internal medicine, I am here not only for preventive care and treatment but also to provide specialist second opinions.

Complete Check-Up
Comprehensive Preventive Health Care
Regular check-ups help detect diseases early and maintain your long-term health.
Services include:

Video Consultation
Online Medical Advice
Receive quick and competent medical assessment conveniently via video—without the need to travel or wait.
Ideal for:

Second Opinion
Specialist Second Opinion
Unsure about a diagnosis or treatment?
Gain extra confidence with a second opinion.
We offer:

Safe for Tick Season – Get Protected with Your Vaccination
As spring arrives and the warm days take over, nature bursts into life—but so does a hidden danger. In regions like Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, ticks are everywhere. Even a tiny bite can transmit the tick-borne encephalitis virus, which may lead to serious health complications.

Вакцинация – ваш надежный щит в сезон клещей
С наступлением теплых месяцев природа пробуждается, и вместе с ее красотой приходит и скрытая угроза. В Баварии и Баден-Вюртемберге клещи становятся активными, а их укусы могут передавать опасный вирус клещевого энцефалита.

Preventive Care That Saves Lives – Your Check-up
An Unexpected Finding – Or Why Preventive Care Is a Matter of Life and Death A patient in her early 50s – athletic, symptom-free, and feeling completely healthy – never thought she needed to see a doctor. She had no…